Results for 'Nadezda Borisovna Mankovskaya'

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  1.  12
    Two-faced Janus of early French romanticism: Pierre Simon Ballanche as an esthetician and writer.Nadezda Borisovna Mankovskaya - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the fundamental philosophical and aesthetic problems in the aesthetics of Pierre Simon Ballanche, who stood at the origins of French romanticism. Two layers of his creativity - explicit and implicit - have been identified and analyzed. It is shown that his ideas about the art of romanticism are verbalized in a strict academic style. The implicit layer, is associated with Ballanche’s artistic prose. It includes philosophical and aesthetic poems, testifying the originality of his aesthetic (...)
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  2. Aesthetics from Philo to Florensky and Beyond.Nadežda B. Mankovskaya - 2012 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (1):8-27.
    This essay is devoted to the analysis of the scholarly achievements of Victor V. Bychkov, a renowned Russian expert in aesthetics. It demonstrates that he has analyzed systematically and in detail the history of implicit aesthetics of the countries of the Eastern Orthodox region and has subdivided it into four principal stages: Patristic aesthetics, Byzantine aesthetics, Old Russian aesthetics, and Russian theourgic aesthetics. He has devoted special monographs to each of the four areas. Bychkov has created a present-day version of (...)
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    On the Question of Contemporary Symbolization in Art.Victor V. Bychkov - 2012 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (1):88-98.
    The present text is Letter No. 187 written for the Trialogue Project, whose first volume, containing 170 letters, was published in Moscow in 2012., Addressed to Nadežda B. Mankovskaya and Vladimir V. Ivanov, the letter uncovers the chief line of the artistic symbolism in a monumental film tetralogy by Aleksandr Sokurov, a famous Russian filmmaker. The author shows how through the artistic interpretation of such historical personalities as Lenin, Hitler, and Japanese emperor Hirohito as well as such cultural-mythological characters (...)
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  4.  22
    Vasily Sesemann and Ksenia Miloradovich: Intercrossing Themes and Biographies.Nadezda Kh Orlova & Орлова Надежда Хаджимерзановна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):27-40.
    The article is devoted to two talented representatives of the Russian university philosophical community of the first quarter XX century: Vasily Sesemann and Ksenia Miloradovich. It’s shown that their university routes are very similar, as far as it was possible for male and female biographies of that time. The most complete list of their original works published before 1922 is given. The thematic focus of their publications and journals in which they were published is compared and the translation activity is (...)
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    An Envious Look.Nadezda Cacinovic - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (4):481-484.
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  6.  20
    Differential Object Marking in Kazakh: The Dynamic Syntax Approach.Nadezda Christopher - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):305-329.
    This paper presents a novel, Dynamic Syntax-based approach to the phenomenon of differential object marking in Kazakh, which can be extended at least to other Turkic languages displaying this phenomenon. It is demonstrated that the difference in the pragmatics associated with marked and unmarked direct objects, as well as the syntactic restrictions on the positioning of unmarked direct objects, can be elegantly and succinctly explicated through the application of the notions of fixed and unfixed nodes, without the need for proposing (...)
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  7.  11
    Can philosophy be autonomous in the XXI century?Nadezda Gonotskaya - 2020 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 1:63-70.
    This article discusses the image of philosophy in modern world in the context of synthesis of the various intellectual and cultural traditions. The author explores the correlation between philosophy and politics, knowledge and power as a certain discursive practice that in an organic part of Western European culture; demonstrates the limits on establishing dialogue between philosophical traditions, schools and strands of thought. Leaning on the ideas of Kant and Foucault in viewing the phenomenon of Enlightenment, the author analyzes the role (...)
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  8.  15
    Literatur contra Anthropologie: Das „radikale“ Menschenbild in der sowjetischen Literatur der 1930–50er Jahre.Nadezda Grigoryeva - 2020 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 9 (1):159-170.
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  9.  28
    Dragoljub Jovanović and national question in Yugoslavia.Nadežda Jovanović - 1991 - Filozofija I Društvo 1991 (3):291-322.
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  10.  32
    French Symbolism: Aesthetic Dominants.Nadezhda B. Mankovskaya - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 53 (1):54-71.
    The essay explores the special features of French Symbolist aesthetics, which consist of the conceptions of symbolization as correspondence between the spiritual and objective worlds, suggestion, artistic synthesis and synesthesia, beauty, the beautiful and the sublime. The author analyzes the main trends of Symbolist aesthetics in France – the Neoplatonic/Christian and the Solipsistic symbolism – and traces their influence on art. She shows that the attitude toward aesthetic philosophy inherent in French Symbolism turned out to be the backbone for Euro-American (...)
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  11.  21
    Guest Editor's Introduction.Nadezhda B. Mankovskaya - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 53 (1):1-7.
    The essay introduces the reader to Russian contemporary research in the field of aesthetics. It provides a conceptual overview of key topics, discussions, main schools, and genres of the aesthetic scholarship present in today Russia.
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  12.  17
    Postmodernism in aesthetics.Nadezhda Mankovskaya - 2018 - Philosophical Anthropology 4 (1):192-230.
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  13.  8
    The Russian Simulacrum.Nadia Mankovskaya - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (3):201-205.
    This comparative analysis of multiple variants of the aesthetics of simulacrum as equal and autonomous participants in the postmodern polylogue presents a principle of creation of a 'third reality', which unites foreign and Russian elements. Making an artifact out of an artifact leads to a theory of artistic relativism. This type of simulacra give artistic cross-cultural results with an additional aesthetic effect representing fragments of a postmodern mosaic culture.
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  14.  27
    Nationalism as an aesthetic category in Slavonic and Balkan musical cultures.Nadežda Mosusova - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):709-712.
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  15.  10
    Filozofická a pedagogická antropologie.Naděžda Pelcová - 2000 - V Praze: Karolinum.
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  16. Historical consciousness, tradition and upbringing.Nadezda Pelcova - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (1):77-86.
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  17.  27
    Онтологическое Изучение Этнокультурных Противоречий.Nadezda Rodnova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:233-240.
    Noting that among the changes wrought by globalization is a constantly accelerated influx of new knowledge and information. The majority of this information remains poorly analyzed, is not clearly understood, and is often unused. The author believes that, apparently, mankind is entering a new epoch of inevitability ofthinking by essences, instead of particulars, i.e. to an epoch of ontological thinking. In work, proceeding from a possibility of synthetic judgements a priori, the author considers ethnocultural contradictions with the help of a (...)
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  18.  8
    Estetika.Nadežda Čačinovič-Puhovski - 1988 - Zagreb: Naprijed.
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  19.  8
    Denis Diderot.Tamara Borisovna Dlugach - 1988 - Moscow: Progress Publishers.
  20. Prostye normy nravstvennosti i ikh rolʹ v vospitanii lichnosti.Ėlʹmira Borisovna Gudilina - 1975
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  21.  10
    Transformat︠s︡ii︠a︡ ėpistemologicheskikh osnovaniĭ sot︠s︡iologii: subʺekt, metod poznanii︠a︡, kartina sot︠s︡ialʹnogo mira.Natalʹi︠a︡ Borisovna Otreshko - 2009 - Kiev: Institut sot︠s︡iologii.
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  22.  20
    Conceptualization of the Social in historical and economic interpretations.Natalya Borisovna Polyakova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):153-161.
    The aim of the article is to conceptualize the Social in topological and temporal structures. In "Les nouvelles sociologies" Ph. Corcuff sets the theory of society as socio-economic and historical constructs of a sociologist. The authors claim that the social understanding of society present the Social in variable and invariant aspects. This disclose the lack of theoretical tools of comprehension. Only in the space of a philosophical view, the thinking subject considers the plurality as a unity. Various social theories intersect (...)
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  23. Svoboda i razum: izbrannye filosofskie raboty.Lina Borisovna Tumanova - 2010 - Moskva: Kanon+. Edited by S. S. Neretina.
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  24.  16
    Improving the organization and methods of accounting and control of income and expenses of autonomous institutions.Tatyana Borisovna Turishcheva - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):105-109.
    The purpose of the study is to develop practical recommendations for the development and improvement of the organization and methods of accounting and control of income and expenses of autonomous institutions. The scientific novelty of the study includes proposals for improving and formalizing the classification procedures and, accordingly, accounting for the income and expenses of autonomous institutions for exchange and non-exchange operations, also substantiated the directions for improving the quality of internal control procedures for the implementation of estimates by focusing (...)
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  25.  24
    Obligations of autonomous institutions: theoretical and accounting aspects.Tatyana Borisovna Turishcheva - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):63-67.
    To date, in modern economic conditions one of the most difficult and controversial accounting issues can be considered accounting obligations, institutions that are maintained at the expense of budgetary funds, which is largely due to the aggravation of non-payment problems. In the deepening of the payment crisis contributes its share and the lack of regulation of the budget system, which concerns the untimely payment of public obligations, which are carried out by autonomous institutions. In this context, the purpose of the (...)
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  26.  7
    Uchenie o cheloveke v filosofii Kh. Ortegi-i-Gasseta: kriticheskiĭ ocherk.Aza Borisovna Zykova - 1978 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  27.  35
    The Origins of Art; Croce, Adorno and Levi-Strauss -- Not to Mention Heidegger (in Serbo Croation).Nadezda Cacinovic Puhovski - 1992 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 12 (3):661-668.
    Der Aufsatz versucht, durch eine Gegenuberstellung verschiedener Ansichten uber die Entsteheng der Kunst einen neuen Zugang zum Denkansatz Croces zu gewinnen. Seine Philosophie des Geistes als eine Abwandlung des Hegelschen Erbes wird mit der proklamiert materialistischen Abwandlung bei Adorno verglichen, die beiden philosophischen Standpunkte wiederum mit Hegels eher feindlichen Positionen, wobei es sich zeigt, dass in Fragen der Kunst unerwartete Verbundnisse auftreten. Croces Begriff der Intuition bringt Schwierigkeiten auf dem Gebiet der Kreativitat und Imagination, ist aber noch immer ein grossartiger (...)
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  28.  9
    Konzepte der Kreativität im russischen Denken =.Nadežda Grigorʹeva (ed.) - 2012 - Berlin: Gesellschaft zur Förderung Slawistischer Studien.
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  29. Izuchenie voprosov istorischeskogo materializma v kurse obshchestvovedenii︠a︡.Regina Borisovna Vendrovskai︠a︡ - 1971
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  30.  27
    In this article, the authors address the problem of the correlation of laughing culture and religious experience. The complex dialectics of the relationship between religion and cultural laughter originates in the ritual activity of early forms of religions. The authors, tracing the main stages of the development of the laughing culture, dwell in detail on the current stage of socio-cultural development associated with the design of the digital space. The main methodological approach in the analysis of religious experience in cyberspace is the hermeneutical-phenomenological method of M. Eliade, implying that every person has religious feelings. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a sociological study of the dynamics of the value consciousness of young people, conducted from 2006 to 2019, as well as the information content of websites, groups in social networks, messenger channels and video hosting. В As a result of the study, the authors conclude that a special laughing. [REVIEW]Marina Fedorova & Mira Borisovna Rotanova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 3:23-37.
    Religion and Laughter in a Digital Society.
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  31.  61
    Elvio Baccarini.Josip Balabanić, Damir Barbarić, Boran Berčić, Giovanni Boniolo, Branka Brujić, Alex Byrne, Erik Carlson, Maudemarie Clark, Nadežda Čačinovič & Zvonimir Čuljak - 2008 - Prolegomena 7:1.
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    Konstruirovanie diskursa vlasti: germenevticheskiĭ aspekt, monografii︠a︡.Natalʹi︠a︡ Borisovna Poli︠a︡kova - 2009 - Izhevsk: Udmurtskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Crime and punishment in the life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky. To mark the 200th anniversary of the writer's birth and the 155th anniversary of his novel "Crime and Punishment". [REVIEW]Boris Vladimirovich Emelianov & Olga Borisovna Ionaitis - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):127-131.
    The purpose of the study is to consider the concept of "philosopheme", which allows analyzing such basic categories of philosophical and legal reflections of the writer and thinker F.M. Dostoevsky as crime and punishment and correlating their interpretation with his personal life experience. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that through the disclosure of the content of the philosophems "crime" and "punishment", the existential aspects of F.M. Dostoevsky's anthropological and philosophical-legal reflections are revealed. As a result (...)
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  34.  17
    Nadežda Čačinovič, Zašto čitati filozofe.Luka Boršić - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (2):325-328.
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  35.  21
    Unsocial sociability: Montesquieu, Œuvres complètes, volume 20. Correspondance, vol. III, edited by Philip Stewart and Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, with Caroline Verdier, Jens Häseler, Nadezda Plavinskaia and Jean-Pierre Poussou, Lyon and Paris, ENS Editions & Classiques Garnier, 2021, xxi+624 pp., ISBN 979-10-362-0058-8 & 978-2-406-09933-8. [REVIEW]Michael Sonenscher - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (7):1184-1188.
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  36.  38
    Art Between Scylla and Charybdis.Victor V. Bychkov - 2012 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (1):80-87.
    In his opening address at a discussion of the book: V. V. Bychkov, N. B. Mankovskaya, and V. V. Ivanov, Trialogue: Living Aesthetics and the Contemporary Philosophy of Art , held on 27 February 2012 at the S. Gerasimov All-Russia State University of Cinematography , the author shows that Trialogue came into existence as a result of interpretation, polemical debate, and further development of ideas formulated in his early fundamental work. The Artistic Apocalypse of Culture . The key idea (...)
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  37.  19
    Концепція симулякрів віртуально-онлайнової культури інформаційного суспільства: Концептуальні виміри постмодерністів.Mykola Kyrychenko - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 73:62-71.
    The urgency of the research is that the simulacra of the virtual-online culture of the information society and the conditions for its formation are analyzed. The term "simulacrum" by J. Baudrillard is related to the virtual-online culture of the information society, because a person uses substitutes, copies of things, and not their originals. Setting objectives. This problem is caused by the fact that today the personality is formed in an artificially created virtual world that distorts the personality and forms its (...)
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